• Maximilian Hartmuth (with photography by Anida Krečo), Mitteleuropäischer Orientalismus im Schaukasten: Der Ethnografische Pavillon des bosnisch-herzegowinischen Landesmuseums in Sarajevo = Central European Orientalism in the showcase: The Ethnographic Pavillion of the Zemaljski Museum in Sarajevo. Graz: Leykam, forthcoming (print and open access) in 2025.
  • Maximilian Hartmuth (with photography by Anida Krečo), Kaderschmiede für kaisertreue Muslime: Die Architektur der österreich-ungarischen „Scheriatsrichterschule“ in Sarajevo. Graz: Leykam, forthcoming (print and open access) in 2025.
  • Maximilian Hartmuth, The Kaiser's Mosques: Islamic architecture and Orientalizing style in Habsburg Bosnia, 1878-1918. Geneva: Peter Lang, forthcoming (print and open access) in mid-2024.
  • Maximilian Hartmuth & Ayşe Dilsiz Hartmuth (eds.), Patrimonialization on the ruins of empire: Islamic Heritage and the modern state in post-Ottoman Europe. Bielefeld: transcript, forthcoming (print and open access) in mid-2024.
  • Maximilian Hartmuth & Caroline Jäger-Klein (with contributions by Ajla Bajramović and Georg Vasold), Eine Kreisstadt zwischen den Welten: Orientalisierende Architektur der Habsburgerzeit (1878-1918) in Travnik und Mittelbosnien. Graz: Leykam, 2023. View or download as E-Book.
  • Maximilian Hartmuth, Richard Kurdiovsky, Julia Rüdiger & Georg Vasold (eds.), The governance of style: Public buildings in Central Europe, 1780-1920. Vienna: Böhlau, 2023. View or download as E-Book.
  • Maximilian Hartmuth, "Zwei hochosmanische Moscheen in Bosnien-Herzegowina und ihre späthabsburgischen Dekorationsphasen: Ferhadija (Banja Luka) und Kuršumlija (Maglaj)," extended versions of texts forthcoming in the Handbuch zur Geschichte der Kunst in Ostmitteleuropa. Download as ERC 758099 WORKING PAPER #6 (2023).
  • Maximilian Hartmuth, "Forging a Habsburg Muslim elite: The architecture of the Islamic Law School (Scheriatsrichterschule) in Sarajevo, 1887–1889," in: Beiträge zur Islamischen Kunst und Archäologie, VIII (2022), 51-67. Download (OA) from publisher's website.
  • Maximilian Hartmuth & Julia Rüdiger (eds.), Gezimmertes Morgenland: Orientalische und orientalisierende Holzinterieurs in Mitteleurope im späten 19. Jahrhundert. Phänomenalität, Materialität, Historizität. Vienna. Böhlau, 2021. View or download as E-Book 
  • Maximilian Hartmuth, "Wien und die kunsthistorische Erschließung Südosteuropas, 1850-2000", in: TheMA: Open Access Research Journal for Theatre, Music, Arts VIII/1-2 (2019). Download
  • Caroline Jäger‐Klein, Ajla Bajramović, Lukas Stampfer, "Fire prevention in Ottoman and Habsburg building codes for Bosnia and their application in Travnik", in: New technologies for a sustainable conservation of heritage structures, eds. Luca Pelà, Climent Molins, and Pere Roca. Barcelona: CIMNE, 2021, pp. 2768–2779. Download here or as ERC 758099 WORKING PAPER #5 (2020)
  • Maximilian Hartmuth, "Orientalizing architecture in northern Bosnia under Habsburg rule: Exaggerating alterity as a means of cohesion?", in: Savremena Teorija i praksa u graditeljstvu 14/1 (2020), 184-195. Download from publisher's website or as ERC 758099 WORKING PAPER #4 (2020)
  • Maximilian Hartmuth, “Nach dem Danach: Metamorphosen eines orientalisierenden Schulbaus der Habsburgerzeit in Mostar“, in: kunst und kirche 3 (2019): 10-15. Download as ERC 758099 WORKING PAPER #3 (2020)
  • Julia Rüdiger, “Bauen für die bosnische(n) Partikularität(en) im habsburgischen Vielvölkerstaat“, in: kritische berichte 2 (2019): 38-49. Download as ERC 758099 WORKING PAPER #2 (2019)
  • Maximilian Hartmuth, “Amtssprache Maurisch? Zum Problem der Interpretation des orientalisierenden Baustils im habsburgischen Bosnien-Herzegowina,“ in: Ruthner, Clemens & Scheer, Tamara (eds.): Bosnien-Herzegowina und Österreich-Ungarn, 1878–1918: Annäherungen an eine Kolonie (Tübingen: Narr 2018): 251-268. Download as ERC 758099 WORKING PAPER #1 (2018)
  • Maximilian Hartmuth, "From Cairo’s Gezira Palace to the city hall of Sarajevo: Franz Pasha’s drawings collection at the University of Vienna rediscovered and contextualized" (Cairo, 2/2023)
  • Maximilian Hartmuth, "Wiener Horizonte des österreichisch-ungarischen 'Kolonialstils' in Bosnien-Herzegowina [Institutskolloquium]" (Vienna, 1/2023)
  • Maximilian Hartmuth, "From ‘Oriental’ to Orientalizing in New Russia” (Vienna, 11/2023)
  • Maximilian Hartmuth "Novelty in times of disorder: Revisiting Vienna’s Armory Museum (1850-56) – style, audience, paradox" (Antwerp, 8/2022)
  • Maximilian Hartmuth, "Habsburg Bosnia’s Ottoman inheritance: problems, approaches, sites" (Vienna, 7/2022)
  • Ajla Bajramović, "Faking a fake: Shapes and meanings of the Behram Beg Mosque in Tuzla" (Córdoba, 7/2022)
  • Maximilian Hartmuth, "The Habsburg makeover of an Ottoman mosque: Chronology and analysis of interventions at the Gazi Hüsrev Bey complex in Sarajevo, 1884-1898" (Vienna 6/2022)
  • Ajla Bajramović, "Ottoman until proven otherwise: Mutations of the Behram-beg mosque in Tuzla (1540-2021)
  • Ajla Bajramović, "Islamska arhitektura i orijentalizirajući stil u habsburškoj Bosni i Hercegovini" (Tuzla, 1/2021)
  • Maximilian Hartmuth, "World's fairs as stages and instruments of artistic dissemination, taste-making, and network-building across the Christian-Muslim divide" (Vienna 6/2022)
  • Maximilian Hartmuth, "The phenomenon of 'Oriental rooms' in Central European residences, museums, and exhibitions, ca. 1850 to ca. 1930 - Historicity, materiality, aesthetics" (London [online], 12/2021)
  • Maximilian Hartmuth, "Railway imperialism and its structural legacies in the Balkans: Infrastructure as space-producing agent in Bosnia-Herzegovina since 1873/1878" (Regensburg 9/2021)
  • Maximilian Hartmuth, "Furnishing a foreign home: Habsburg Sarajevo's Ottoman heritage coped with, appropriated, and displayed (Göttingen, [online], 12/2020)
  • Maximilian Hartmuth, "Orientalizing architecture in northern Bosnia under Habsburg rule: Exaggerating alterity as a means of cohesion?" (Banja Luka, 6/2020, cancelled keynote lecture)
  • Maximilian Hartmuth, "Which public, and whose aesthetics? Ruminations on the architectural design logics of public buildings in core and peripheral areas of the late Habsburg realm" (Vienna, 2/2020)
  • Julia Rüdiger, "The aesthetics of architecture for higher education [in Habsburg Bosnia]" (Vienna, 2/2020)
  • Caroline Jäger-Klein and Ajla Bajramović, "From Ottoman 'Konak' to Austro-Hungarian 'Amtshaus': The building history of the district and province administration dtructure of Travnik in Central Bosnia (Vienna, 2/2020)
  • Maximilian Hartmuth, “Architekturnetzwerke zwischen Ägypten und Mitteleuropa um 1870: Repräsentationsbedürfnis als Katalysator transkontinentalen Kulturaustauschs” (Vienna, 11/2019)
  • Maximilian Hartmuth, “Imperial knowledge production and hegemony-building in Bosnia-Herzegovina after 1878: actors, networks, institutions, media” (Vienna, 10/2019)
  • Maximilian Hartmuth, “Inszenierungen an der Schwelle? Orientalisierende Bauten des späten 19. Jahrhunderts an der ehemaligen habsburgisch-osmanischen Grenze“ (Vienna, 10/2019)
  • Maximilian Hartmuth, Julia Rüdiger & Ajla Bajramović, presentation of project to students of architecture from Banja Luka (Vienna, 10/2019)
  • Ajla Bajramović, “‘Moorish’ city halls from the Habsburg period in northeast Bosnia” (Bochum, 7/2019)
  • Maximilian Hartmuth, "The domical frontier: Architectural manifestations of political and cultural demarcations in the Balkans" (Budapest, 7/2019)
  • Ajla Bajramović, “A  typological  analysis  of  the  madrasas  built  in  Bosnia and Herzegovina under Habsburg rule” (Budapest, 7/2019)
  • Maximilian Hartmuth, “Der Ethnografische Pavillon des bosnisch-herzegowinischen Landesmuseums: “Altbosnische” Zimmer und orientalisierende Rahmenarchitektur“ (Vienna, 6/2019)
  • Franziska Niemand, “Die Wiener Weltausstellung (1873) als Geschmacksverstärker? Fünf verlorene [orientalisierende] Interieurs im Spiegel der Text- und Bildquellen“ (Vienna, 6/2019)
  • Julia Rüdiger, “Vienna as a multiplier of Moorish Revival: The view from Bosnia“ (Madrid, 5/2019)
  • Maximilian Hartmuth, “Monumental Islamic architecture between Istanbul and Vienna”  (Vienna, 4/2019)
  • Miroslav Malinović, “The Orientalizing architecture of Bosanska Krajina”  (Vienna, 4/2019)
  • Ajla Bajramović, “A case of trial and error? Surveying the Habsburg-period architecture of northeastern Bosnia” (Vienna, 4/2019)
  • Caroline Jäger-Klein, “Rebuilding Travnik’s Islamic infrastructure after the great fire of 1903: aspects of construction and design” (Vienna, 4/2019)
  • Julia Rüdiger, “The ‘Oriental’ in the education of Austro-Hungarian architects” (Vienna, 4/2019)
  • Maximilian Hartmuth, “Verkehr/Macht/Raum: Der Bahnhof von Bosnisch-Brod (1897) als Werk und Mittel“ (Vienna, 12/2018)
  • Maximilian Hartmuth & Julia Rüdiger, project presentation at meeting of Arbeitskreis Österreichische Architektur des 19. und 20. Jahrhunderts (Vienna, 11/2018)
  • Maximilian Hartmuth, “Exhibiting imperial space: Architectural design and mobility structures in Habsburg Bosnia” (Budapest, 10/2018)
  • Maximilian Hartmuth, “From Hünkâr Câmii to Kaisermoschee: The architectural metamorphosis of a socio-religious complex in Sarajevo” (Strasbourg, 7/2018)
  • Maximilian Hartmuth & Caroline Jäger-Klein & Julia Rüdiger, “Proximate Orientalism: Re-examining the architecture of Habsburg Bosnia” (Vienna, 3/2018)
  • Maximilian Hartmuth, “Islamic architecture and Orientalizing style in Habsburg Bosnia: A case study of the school of Islamic law in Sarajevo” (Vienna, 7/2017)*
  • Maximilian Hartmuth, “’Austro-Islamic architecture’ and ‘Moorish style’ in Habsburg Bosnia” (Zurich, 11/2016)*

* Presented during proposal review period, i.e., before official start of project in 2018.